26 Lowther Street, Carlisle, CA3 8DA

Personal Planning

At Stan Sherlock Associates, we have experience in a range of financial planning services. We’re specialists in pension planning advice and personal pension planning, and our team can help you properly plan for retirement, no matter your circumstances.

An astounding number of people in the UK have no idea how much they need to retire comfortably, and most don’t know how much they have in pension pots from different jobs over the years, never mind how to access them.

Stan Sherlock Associates

Pensions Planning

We help you understand exactly where you stand regarding your pensions, and enable you to properly assess your current situation. We use our vast knowledge to identify how much you need to save to meet your goals, and offer tailored pension planning advice built around you and your personal circumstances.

With the best tools to secure your financial future well into retirement, as well as expertise in the various pension and savings opportunities available to you, our role is to help make your money work for you, so you can achieve financial freedom when you retire.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested. HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.
Retirement Clock

Pensions Planning Questions

Pension tracing is a common problem in the UK, as people struggle to track the pensions they’ve paid into over the years they’ve been in employment. This is commonplace and leads to lots of people retiring with less than they might otherwise have.

Stan Sherlock Associates helps you trace your pensions as far back as you need, providing advice on how to access your funds as well as the best strategy moving forward. This helps you not only track and manage your pensions more effectively, but gives you greater control of your financial future and retirement plans.

Can We Help With your Pensions Planning?

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Why Work With Us?

As a family run business born and bred in the local area, we proudly serve Carlisle and the wider Cumbria region, and we value our excellent reputation across Cumbria and beyond thanks to our honest, effective financial planning advice.

With the ability to assist and guide you through the pension planning advice landscape, our experts offer clear and expert guidance to help you retire in peace, knowing your financial situation is secure and your loved ones are taken care of.

Our expert advisers want to build a strong, long-term relationship with you, paying careful attention to your changing needs and circumstances, and provide you with a financial advice service throughout your lifetime.

As well as the above personal pension planning guidance and advice, we also offer:

  • Pensions freedoms advice
  • IHT planning
  • Passing on your wealth

And more. Essentially, we offer all things pensions, and when it comes to personal pension planning in Carlisle, Cumbria, or anywhere else in the UK, we can help.